
South African organist Zorada Temmingh is the third generation of organists in her family: her grandmother, Edna Labuschagne, was the organist at the Groot Kerk in Graaff-Reinet for 40 years, and her mother, Zorada Labuschagne, held several organist positions, among others in Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.

She is known as one of the country’s foremost organ improvisers, particularly for her innovative soundtrack improvisations for several silent films: The Hunchback of the Notre DameThe Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and The Phantom of the Opera. She is the first South African to pursue this art form.

In 2019 Zorada received the Andrew Murray-FAK Award for Christian Music for her contribution to church music in South Africa through her career. For her groundbreaking contribution to classical music she received a special Kanna award at the Klein Karoo National Arts Festival in 2006. In 2007 she received the MJ Thom award for exceptional teaching from the FAK.

As organist Zorada gives performances country-wide, with soundtrack improvisations and free improvisations on church hymns. As soloist she has performed with the Stellenbosch International Chamber Music Festival Symphony orchestra (2019), the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hugo Lambrechts Symphony Orchestra. She has performed in the UK at the Buxton International Festival (2019,2020) and has undertaken concert tours to the USA, Switzerland, Belgium and Namibia.

Her first CD with organ improvisations on church hymns, In Hemelse Taal (In Heavenly Language –Linguis Angelorum) was released in 1998, the first of its kind in South Africa. Thereafter five CDs follow: Lingua Gratiae (Language of Grace); TWO (Trumpet with Organ); Lingua Sancta (In Holy Language); Lingua Laudis (Language of Praise) and Lingua Natalis (Language of the Nativity) in 2017. As accompanist she has also contributed to several other CD recordings.

Zorada is also known as pianist, and together with Elna van der Merwe she forms the piano duo, the Blondes, who arrange classical and light music into innovative medleys for two pianos. In addition to performing at most national arts festivals, corporate and private functions, they were invited to perform in Israel and Lesotho in 2009, and  performed in London for the first time in 2011. Their first CD/DVD (2008) featured medleys of music by Bach, Mozart, ABBA and the Beatles; the second CD, Blondes 2, music by Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Queen; Blondes 3 Verdi, Andrew Lloyd Webber and “Boland Blues” (Afrikaans folk tunes) and Blondes 4 Rachmaninoff, Ravel and “Rock in my Taal” (Afrikaans pop songs).

Zorada has also adjudicated several competitions, including ATKV Muziq, the Sanlam National Music Competition, Unisa Overseas Music Scholarship Competition, the Beethoven and Rachmaninoff Competitions (SU Conserve), as well as several eisteddfodau for piano, organ and choirs. She was also a piano panel member at the Stellenbosch International Chamber Music Festival for two years. She has held a number of positions as examiner and moderator for Music in the National Senior Certificate examination. Currently she is the national external moderator for Umalusi.

Until 2007 Zorada was Head of the Music Department at Bloemhof Girls’ High School in Stellenbosch. In 1995 she founded the Stellenbosch National Ensemble Competition and was the main organiser for 11 years. She is currently a freelance musician.

Zorada has been the organist of the Moederkerk in Stellenbosch since 1986, and is the first woman to hold the position at this historic church.


 Suid-Afrikaanse orrelis Zorada Temmingh is die derde geslag orreliste in haar familie: haar ouma, Edna Labuschagne, was vir 40 jaar orrelis by die Groot Kerk in Graaff-Reinet, en haar ma, Zorada Labuschagne, het deur die jare verskeie orrelposte beklee, onder andere in Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.

Zorada word beskou as een van SA se voorste orrel-improvisators, veral vir haar innoverende klankbaan-improvisasies vir die stomfilms The Hunchback of Notre Dame,The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse en The Phantom of the Opera. Sy is die eerste Suid-Afrikaner wat hierdie kunsvorm aandurf.

In 2019 ontvang Zorada die Andrew Murray-FAK Toekenning vir Christelike Musiek vir haar lewensbydrae tot kerkmusiek in Suid-Afrika. Vir haar grensverskuiwende bydrae tot klassieke musiek is sy tydens die KKNK 2006 met ‘n spesiale Kanna vereer.  In 2007 ontvang sy die MJ Thom toekenning vir uitmuntende onderwys van die FAK.

As orrelis tree Zorada landwyd op in uitvoerings van stomfilm-improvisasies en vrye improvisasies op kerkliedere. As solis het sy opgetree saam met die Stellenbosch Internasionale Kamermusiekfees se simfonie-orkes, die Kaapstadse Filharmoniese Orkes, en die Hugo Lambrechts Simfonie-orkes. Sy het in die VK opgetree by die Buxton International Festival (2019,2020) en konsertreise na die VSA, Switserland, België en Namibië onderneem.

Haar eerste CD met orrelimprovisasies op kerkliedere, In Hemelse Taal (Linguis Angelorum), verskyn in 1998, ‘n eerste van sy soort in Suid-Afrika.  Daarna volg nog vyf CDs: Lingua Gratiae (Taal van Genade); TWO (Trumpet With Organ); Lingua Sancta (In Heilige Taal); Lingua Laudis (Loftaal) en Lingua Natalis (Kersfeestaal) in 2017.  As begeleier op klavier en orrel het sy ‘n aandeel aan ‘n hele aantal CD’s.

As pianis vorm sy saam met Elna van der Merwe die Blondes, ‘n klavierduo wat klassieke sowel as ligte musiek verwerk in tweeklavierkeurspele. Benewens optredes by die meeste nasionale kunstefeeste, korporatiewe en privaat funksies, tree hulle in 2009 op uitnodiging in Israel en Lesotho op. In 2011 tree hulle vir die eeste keer in Londen op.  Hul eerste CD/DVD (2008) bevat keurspele uit die musiek van Bach, Mozart, ABBA en die Beatles; die tweede CD, Blondes 2, musiek van Beethoven, Tchaikovsky en Queen; Blondes 3 Verdi, Andrew Lloyd Webber en “Boland Blues” (Afrikaanse volksliedjies) en Blondes 4 Rachmaninoff, Ravel en “Rock in my Taal” (Afrikaanse ligtemusiek).

Optredes as beoordelaar sluit in die ATKV Muziq, Sanlam Nasionale Musiekkompetisie, Unisa Oorsese Musiekstudiebeurskompetisie, die Beethoven- en Rachmaninoff-kompetisies van die Universiteit Stellenbosch, asook verskeie kunswedstryde vir klavier, orrel en kore. Verder was sy vir twee jaar ‘n klavierpaneellid by die Stellenbosch Internasionale Kamermusiekfees. Sy het reeds ‘n aantal posisies as eksaminator en moderator vir Musiek beklee in die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen. Tans is sy nasionale eksterne moderator vir Umalusi.

Zorada was tot 2007 Departementshoof: Musiek aan die Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof op Stellenbosch.  In 1995 het sy die Stellenbosch Nasionale Ensemble-Kompetisie gestig, en was vir 11 jaar die hooforganiseerder daarvan. Tans is sy ‘n vryskut-musikus.

Zorada is sedert 1986 orrelis van die Moedergemeente op Stellenbosch, die eerste vroulike orrelis van hierdie historiese kerk.